Singing Guide: Barry McGuire

Singing Guide: Barry McGuire

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Barry McGuire is an American singer-songwriter with a distinguished voice and a long artistic career. He gained popularity globally with his hit protest song “Eve of Destruction,” which was recorded over 55 years ago. However, his music has a timeless appeal, and his unique style is still imitated by young singers today. In this article, we will explore the key elements of Barry McGuire's singing and provide you with practical advice on how to learn to sing like him.

Vocal Range

Barry McGuire's vocal range is quite wide, spanning from B1 to G#4, according to Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test. What makes Barry's voice so unique is his raw emotion, which he conveys through his deep and raspy tone. In order to imitate McGuire's singing, it's important to focus on conveying the same emotion.

Voice Technique

Barry McGuire's singing technique can best be described as emotive and authentic, which are a result of his unique style. He utilizes a wide range of vocal techniques, including chest voice, belt, and vibrato. You can get more information about these techniques and how to execute them effectively from Singing Carrots Vocal Training, an excellent educational singing game created to help you enhance your vocal skills.

Key Songs

If you want to learn to sing like Barry McGuire, you need to start with some of his most iconic songs, such as:

  • “Eve of Destruction”
  • “Sins of a Family”
  • “Child of Our Times”
  • “Peggy Sue Got Married”
  • “What Exactly's The Matter With Me”

These songs showcase McGuire's unique vocal style and will help you understand his diverse range as a singer.

Practical Advice

To learn to sing like Barry McGuire, you should practice singing his songs every day. Pay attention to his tone, breath support, and the emotion he conveys in his music. In addition, make sure to take care of your vocal health to prevent damage or strain. Singing Carrots Vocal Health Article provides a comprehensive guide on how to maintain your vocal health.

Additionally, try to get feedback from a vocal coach or singing teacher. A qualified vocal coach can help you improve your vocal range, technique, and overall sound, which can greatly enhance your singing ability. You can also use Singing Carrots Search Songs to find songs that are suited to your vocal range and style.


Now that you know more about Barry McGuire's unique vocal style and some practical advice to learn to sing like him, it's time to start practicing his songs every day. Remember to take care of your vocal health, get feedback from a vocal coach or singing teacher, and use Singing Carrots Vocal Training to improve your vocal skills. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to singing like a legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.